Plant Operation

Make your solar and wind power plants more profitable


Products and service allowing to maximize the profitability of your plants

As a wind or solar power plant manager, you have to deal with the increasingly stringent requirements of the Transmission System Operators (TSO), which may result in you having to pay high penalties and/or be subject to curtailment.

Coupling solar/wind plants with storage systems and/or thermal generators is a good alternative but it is expensive and requires the implementation of a reliable Energy Management System (EMS).

By providing accurate renewable energy forecasts and monitoring power plant performance, our products help you reduce the operating costs of your assets. They also allow you to reduce the constraints imposed by the TSO and optimize the management of the storage system and/or gensets (fuel savings).

Our team can also support you in the development phase of the plant by conducting a large portfolio of studies. 

"With the Steadysun forecasting solution, we were able to reduce imbalance penalties by 50% and divide the PV generation curtailment by 4.“

Mr. L., COO - solar plant located on an island


Why use wind and solar forecasting for plant operation?


Limit the cost of imbalance penalties by delivering accurate forecasts to the TSO and optimize the monitoring of the plant performance. 


And extend their life cycle


By limiting curtailment and detecting system failures


Did you know that using historical data allows for anticipating the costs and risks of the project?

Check out our case study!

Reducing costs and risks in solar projects:
The role of Hindcast data for project developers

Simulation and evaluation of retrospective forecasts for a PV+storage project located in Mauritius.


How are forecasts generated?

Day ahead solar forecasting

Forecasts using numerical weather prediction models 

Based on numerical weather prediction models

Update frequency: 4 times per day

Relevant for microclimates

Day ahead solar forecasting
Day ahead solar forecasting

Forecasts and live data based on satellite imagery 

Based on satellite imagery

Update frequency: 4 times per hour

Accuracy improvement

Day ahead solar forecasting
Day ahead solar forecasting

Forecasts from ground based fisheye sky images 

Based on sky imager

Update frequency: every minute

PV power ramp prediction

Day ahead solar forecasting
Day ahead solar forecasting

Forecast contribution assessment study 

Anticipate the imbalance costs

Define the control strategy

Limit the risks

Day ahead solar forecasting
Day ahead solar forecasting

Forecasts for the coming days, using numerical weather prediction models outputs

Reduce penalties

Plan and minimize spinning reserve

Sell energy at the best price on day-ahead markets

Intraday solar forecasting

Forecasts for the coming hours, based on satellite imagery

Reduce penalties & optimize storage management

Manage spinning reserve in real time

Sell energy at the best price on intraday markets

Sign up for your 30-day free trial now! 


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