Our solutions are tailored to meet your solar and wind forecasting needs

Services for solar power plant developers

Project development

Know the future profitability of your projects, taking into account weather variability.

Irradiance forecasting for plant operations

Plant operation 

Make your solar and wind power plants more profitable. Limit penalties, maximize revenues.

Hybrid energy and storage systems

Hybrid power systems & microgrids

Foster solar energy use. Reduce investment and operating costs.

Anticipate the variability of solar energy in an insular environment

Insular system management

Maximize the use of renewable energies while ensuring grid balancing.

Anticipate electricity price evolution on spot power markets

Power trading & portfolio management

Optimize transactions on power markets. Reduce unbalancing costs. Manage risks.

Solar forecasting for distribution system operators

Interconnected grid management

Reduce grid management costs.

Solar forecasting for self consumption

Smart cities & smart grids

Define the best control strategy and maximize self consumption.

Solar energy research and innovation

Research & Innovation 

Find solutions to innovate together. Respond to innovative calls for tenders.


Steadysun production forecasting solutions operate in more than 14,000 sites worldwide 

Steadysun's worldwide presence


International customers


Sites in the world


Countries covered


GWp of solar installations

Kiwigrig logo
Juwi logo
Iresen logo
ABB logo
Red Electrica logo
Engie Green Logo
Shell Logo
Gesternova Logo
Total Energies Logo
Suzlon Logo
Dewa logo
Acciona Logo


A unique blend of products delivering value from minutes to day-ahead forecasting needs 

Steadymet, Day ahead solar forecasting

Forecasts using numerical weather prediction models

Reduce penalties

Plan and minimize spinning reserves

Sell electricity at the best price on day-ahead markets

Steadysat, Intraday solar forecasting

Forecasts and live data based on satellite imagery

Reduce penalties & optimize storage management

Manage spinning reserve in real time

Sell electricity at the best price on intraday markets

Steadyeye, Next minutes solar forecasting

 Forecast from ground based fisheye sky imagery

Anticipate intra-hour variations of production

Minimize and manage spinning reserves in real time

Reduce genset consumption and increase their lifetime

Solar energy feasability study

Technical and economic studies on renewable energy and electrical systems

Assessment of gains brought by forecasting

Solar resource and yield assessment

Sizing and control of hybrid systems

Development of grid codes

Sign up for your 30-day free trial now! 

Or contact us to discuss your projects.


Better predictability - Less risk - More renewables

Steadysun was created in 2013 from technologies developed at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) and at the French National Institute for Solar Energy (INES). The company is a member of INES.2S French energy transition institute.

World-class player in the energy transition, Steadysun offers products and services to foster the integration of wind and solar energy into electrical systems, while reducing the risks and the costs associated with weather variability.

The company's key skills are structured around different activities:

Power and weather forecasting

Live irradiance data 

Services and consulting in renewable energy and electrical systems

GHI Forecast Chart for D+1
Intraday power forecast chart for PV plant
Solar forecast chart for the next hours
Sky imager-based cloud forecast above one site in France
Steadysun logo




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