Hindcast data

Historical weather and power forecast data for the development and operation of solar and wind energy projects


Simulations of site-specific forecasts that would have been generated over a past period in operational conditions

Project developers, EMS providers, plant operators and portfolio managers need to access historical production forecasts of projects before commissioning. This is possible through our simulations of retrospective forecast (hindcast, also called backcast).

These simulations provide a reliable representation of forecasts that would have been produced by our SteadyMet and SteadySat products over a past period of one year or more. They thus allow you to anticipate the risks associated with one or several project(s) and maximize their income(s).

Backcasting is also useful after commissioning, to quickly evaluate the performances of operational forecasts without having to perform any long-term trial.

Steadysun is able to perform these simulations at your project sites anywhere in the world. 

15 min

Max. update frequency

1 min 

Forecast time-step

Power, GHI, DNI, DHI, GTI, Temperature, Wind speed, Wind direction, etc.

Available parameters

Site, Portfolio, City, Region or Country


PV, CSP, onshore, offshore


P10, P20,…, P80, P90

Confidence levels

Historical solar forecast chart since January 1st
Chart showing the performance of different weather models for solar forecasts.
Charts showing the difference in solar forecasts with and without self-learning.
Chart showing solar forecast errors
Chart showing the difference in solar forecasts at 24, 36, and 48 hours
Chart showing the difference between solar forecasts and actual electricity production
Graphique montrant la MAE des prévisions solaires
Summary table of MAEs



Associated with one or several solar and/or wind projects.


Of an Energy Management System (EMS) to optimize storage.


When signing a PPA contract or making transactions on power markets.


Did you know that using historical data allows for anticipating the costs and risks of the project?

Check out our case study!

Reducing costs and risks in solar projects:
The role of Hindcast data for project developers

Simulation and evaluation of retrospective forecasts for a PV+storage project located in Mauritius.


Our solutions are tailored to meet your solar business needs. 

Anticipate electricity price evolution on spot power markets

Power trading & portfolio management

Optimize transactions on power markets. Reduce unbalancing costs. Manage risks.

Solar forecasting for distribution system operators

Project development

Know the future profitability of your projects, taking into account weather variability. 

Irradiance forecasting for plant operations

Plant operation

Make your solar and wind power plants more profitable. Limit penalties, maximize revenues.


Step 1

Estimation of historical actual production data using existing available ground measurements, satellite-based data, or atmospheric reanalyses.

Step 2

Generation of weather and power deterministic or probabilistic forecasts (hindcasts).

Step 3

Expert analyses and tailored data formatting.

Step 4

Accuracy assessment and technical report


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Estimation of historical actual production data using existing available ground measurements, satellite-based data, or atmospheric reanalyses.

Generation of weather and power deterministic or probabilistic forecasts (hindcasts). 

Expert analyses and tailored data formatting.

Accuracy assessment and technical report.

Contact us to discuss your projects


Steadymet, Day ahead solar forecasting

Forecasts using numerical weather prediction models

Reduce penalties

Plan and minimize spinning reserves

Sell electricity at the best price on day-ahead markets

Steadysat, Intraday solar forecasting

Forecasts and live data based on satellite imagery

Reduce penalties & optimize storage management

Manage spinning reserve in real time

Sell electricity at the best price on intraday markets

Steadyeye, Next minutes solar forecasting

 Forecast from ground based fisheye sky imagery

Anticipate intra-hour variations of production

Minimize and manage spinning reserves in real time

Reduce genset consumption and increase their lifetime

Solar energy feasability study

Technical and economic studies on renewable energy and electrical systems

Assessment of gains brought by forecasting

Solar resource and yield assessment

Sizing and control of hybrid systems

Development of grid codes

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Savoie Technolac
Bâtiment Dauphin
18 rue du Lac Saint-André
73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac


QUOS Group
18 Allée du lac Saint André
BP 40328
73382 Le Bourget-du-Lac

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