SteadyEye provides advanced solar irradiance and production forecasts up to 30 minutes ahead. This unique nowcasting product combines on-site sky imagery processing with weather forecast, physical models and artificial intelligence. The product is designed to anticipate solar power ramp events and to guarantee PV production.
SteadyEye solution is tailored for industrial applications such as hybrid energy systems and storage control (i.e. PV-diesel-battery), utility scale PV and CSP plants operations as well as grid management.
Sky and weather conditions above solar power plants are continuously monitored using SW-X all sky imager(s) and predicted locally, improving the accuracy of solar forecasts for the next minutes and anticipating the risks of variability.
30 min
Max time horizon
1440 times a day
Update frequency
1 min
Forecast time-step
Power, GHI, DNI, DHI, GTI, Temperature
Available parameters
Site, Portfolio
PV, Trackers, Bifacial, CSP
API, SFTP or Modbus
Data Delivery
P10, P20,… , P80, P90
Confidence levels
Thanks to 1 minute forecast update frequency.
By increasing the use of solar energy.
And manage spinning reserves.
By fostering balancing of the system.
Local cloud information is acquired by one or several ground-based sky imager at a high frequency (up to 15 seconds) (step 1). The combination of these images and local weather measurement information are processed to simulate cloud motion vectors and optical depth to obtain forecasts up to 30 minutes ahead (step 2).
Forecasts are then optimized (step 3), by using production/irradiance observations, to take into account local phenomena, and by leveraging artificial intelligence technologies.
Ready-to-use forecasts, in a customized format, are then disseminated (step 4) through our proprietary web interface, csv files delivered via (S)FTP platforms or API.
Step 1
From Steadysun SW-X series sky imager(s).
Visible images and atmospheric measurements.
Every 30 seconds.
Step 2
Cloud detection, classification and motion prediction.
Accurate estimation of clear sky conditions using real-time aerosols prediction.
Calculation of direct and diffuse irradiance components in cloudy conditions.
PV modeling based on physical models and plant features.
Probabilistic forecasting using physical and statistical approaches.
Step 3
Based on historical and/or real-time on-site measurements.
Continuous accuracy improvements using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.
To take into account local weather phenomena and power plants’ behavior.
Step 4
Flexible sending (API, SFTP, etc..).
Customized format (csv, txt, etc.).
Dedicated and secured Steadysun’s web interfaces (visualization, data analytics and warnings).
Forecast performance monitoring.
Local cloud information is acquired by one or several ground-based sky imager at a high frequency (up to 15 seconds) (step 1). The combination of these images and local weather measurement information are processed to simulate cloud motion vectors and optical depth to obtain forecasts up to 30 minutes ahead (step 2).
Forecasts are then optimized (step 3), by using production/irradiance observations, to take into account local phenomena, and by leveraging artificial intelligence technologies.
Ready-to-use forecasts, in a customized format, are then disseminated (step 4) through our proprietary web interface, csv files delivered via (S)FTP platforms or API.
From Steadysun SW-X series sky imager(s).
Visible images and atmospheric measurements.
Every 30 seconds.
Cloud detection, classification and motion prediction.
Accurate estimation of clear sky conditions using real-time aerosols prediction.
Calculation of direct and diffuse irradiance components in cloudy conditions.
PV modeling based on physical models and plant features.
Probabilistic forecasting using physical and statistical approaches.
Based on historical and/or real-time on-site measurements.
Continuous accuracy improvements using state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.
To take into account local weather phenomena and power plants’ behavior.
Flexible sending (API, SFTP, etc..).
Customized format (csv, txt, etc.).
Dedicated and secured Steadysun’s web interfaces (visualization, data analytics and warnings).
Forecast performance monitoring.